Awesome prophecy
[This blog post is part of series on metamodernism and awesomeness. If you don’t know what metamodernism is, read this first otherwise you may be left in the dark. I’m developing some thoughts here, and reactions are more than welcome.] Pete is an Adventist. Pete believes in prophecy. Pete believes in the prophetic task of […]
Faith Talks: Good and Evil
About a year ago I took part in a talk show on the Hope Channel. Read about it here. A few days ago I shared the first episode, today I found the second one. It’s about the fight between good and evil. Enjoy!
Faith Talks: Perfect Christians
Almost a year ago The Hope Channel UK invited me to take part in a religious talk show called Faith Talks. Together with Pastor Patrick Johnson, then pastor of Newbold Church, now working at the Trans-European Division, we talked about being a perfect Christian, or more precisely how unobtainable that idea is. While the show […]
In His Image: Discrimination and Equality
Almost 25 years ago Nelson Mandela was released from prison. He has been an inspiration for many people, and I am sure he will remain one for generations. In 1993 his contribution to society was honoured, when he won the Nobel prize for peace, together with F. W. de Klerk. Mandela’s mission was founded in love […]
Popular Article on Equality in Advent
The Dutch Seventh-day Adventist Church publishes a quarterly magazine Advent, which gets sent to all its members. The June edition was on respect, equality and human rights and I wrote the main article. It is called In zijn beeld: discriminatie en gelijkwaardigheid (In His Image: Discrimination and Equality). You can get the article in Dutch, or read […]
That’s So Meta
I arrived home today to find an exciting bit of post: three copies of the latest Adventist Today. It is apparently the GC Session Special. It’s twice as thick as usual, and has been sent to all the GC Session delegates, as well as the normal subscribers. The exciting part is that it contains an article […]
Taking care of the earth
The meaning of life, for a Christian, is taking care of the earth. God’s primary wish for humankind is being a faithful steward to the earth and everything on it. Sadly, when we talk about stewardship we often talk about money and tithes. But what’s up with the world? When I was at Newbold College I was […]
Two popular articles in Advent
The Dutch Seventh-day Adventist Church publishes a quarterly magazine Advent, which gets sent to all its members. One of my many tasks for the church, is that I am the editor-in-chief of the magazine. The most recent edition (march 2015) contained two articles by my hand: one on Easter and one on the environment.
A Book on Women’s Ordination
The ordination of female pastors has been a hot topic in the Adventist church in the last years. The excitement is growing now that the General Conference is getting closer. Sadly, I am not a delegate the the General Conference so I will have no vote in the matter. For the record, I wholeheartedly support […]
Gastblog: Bijbel in Gewone Taal
Met enig regelmaat schrijf ik een gastblog voor het Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap. In de veertigdagentijd vroegen zij of ik iets wilde schrijven over het evangelie van Johannes. Het is altijd een uitdaging om iets te vermakelijks schrijven voor zo’n breed lezerspubliek, maar de volgende zinnen uit Johannes 16 gaven mij goede inspiratie: ‘Nu spreek ik nog […]
Theological Storytelling for the Contemporary World
In February I was the keynote speaker at the GAiN Academy Europe 2015. This is an international event on media and communication, and I was invited to speak about contemporary culture. Luckily for those not attending, the organisers have put my keynote up on YouTube. This talk fits nicely into my crusade to […]
Council of Churches
Just a short note to say: My book is mentioned on the website of the Dutch Council of Churches!
Chaos in Revelation
A chapter written for Bertil Wiklander’s Festschrift, exploring the role of Chaos and Order in Revelation. At the moment the book is not for sale, but here is my chapter:
Repeating the One Project
For the second time in my life I am sitting in hall with hundreds of people in the US, at the One Project. More than a thousand Adventists from all over the world are here to spend two days contemplating how Jesus is, and how they can recommit their lives to him. Wonderful talks, followed […]
The Great Controversy
Exciting news this week. My PhD thesis has been published by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in their Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus series. It’s for sale on Amazon and is in Google Books!
Gezegend met het Woord
I recorded a vlog in an attempt to get more Adventists to be a member of the Dutch Bible Society. It’s in Dutch, naturally.
God with Us
I wrote this blog for the One project’s daily challenge, they published it on December 30th, 2014. A couple of months ago my wife moved to another country. Don’t worry, she didn’t leave me — at least not permanently. She received a job offer we could not refuse, and for the last months we’ve been […]
Bruinsma discusses my book
Colleague and author dr Reinder Bruinsma recently read and discussed my book Avontuurlijk Wandelen in his weekly blog. I must say I am very honoured by the words he writes. I think my favourite sentence is: Books like that of Tom de Bruin will be warmly welcomed by many readers, because of their fresh perspective on […]
Avontuurlijk wandelen: Onderweg met de Bijbel
Onderstaande is het eerste hoofdstuk van mijn boek Avontuurlijk wandelen: Onderweg met de Bijbel. Eén van mijn broers heet Paul. Hij is een levensgenieter. Hij heeft altijd tijd voor de leuke dingen in het leven, maar nooit voor de minder leuke kanten. Mijn ouders praten nu nog steeds over het grote wonder dat het antwoord was op […]
Ik kan niet naar mijn vader terug zonder mijn jongste broer
Onderstaande is een bewerking van de overdenking die Tom de Bruin hield op de jeugdleidersdag van 2 november. Er is een nieuwe bijbelvertaling in Nederland. Als je niet onder een rots hebt geleefd de afgelopen weken, dan heb je dat wel gemerkt. Er zijn meer dan 60 duizend Bijbels in gewone taal verkocht in de […]
Plucky Sabbath
I wrote an article on Mark 2 for Spectrum Magazine, entitled The Plucky Sabbath. Head over there and read it!
Moeten we daarvoor naar het ziekenhuis?
Daar sta je dan. Als net begonnen predikant, gewapend met de Schrift, barstend van de academische nuance, vóór het huis van een gezin. Binnen wacht een tweetal jongeren op de bijbelstudie van de predikant. Thuis heb je al hevig nagedacht waar je het over gaat hebben en — nog veel belangrijker — welke bijbel je […]
Connecting with Today’s Culture
GAIN//EUROPE is a demonational communication conference. I spoke on communicating in a post-postmodern world. There’s another GAIN//EUROPE in 2015, I will be speaking there again, on Theological Storytelling for the Contemporary World.
Support me on Patreon
If you like what I do and want me to keep doing it, this is an awesome way to support it. My blog posts and videos are free, and will always be free. People need to hear awesome takes on biblical studies. And you guys help me keep it free and feed myself. But I […]